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Assistant Professor

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Research Assistant

Dr. Li Ji is Assistant Professor of History jointly at the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HKIHSS) and School of Modern Languages and Cultures (China Studies), The University of Hong Kong. She is a historian trained in three countries — China (B.A. and M.A. at Peking University), USA (Ph.D. at The University of Michigan) and France (Chateaubriand Scholar at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales). Her research areas center on the social, cultural, and religious history of late imperial and modern China, with a particular emphasis on the history of Christianity, religion and local society, women and gender, and cross-cultural studies between China and the West. Currently her study focuses on the intricate relationship between religion, local society, and state building in late imperial and modern China in a global context. 


Ren Yongyi is a year three student from the China Studies programme at the Faculty of Arts and Marketing major at HKU Business School. He was appointed as research assistant at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures and responsible for digitalisation in this project. His research interests lies in the sports sociology especially the development of  football industry in contemporary China.


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Research Assistant

Mingwai Chung is currently working as a research assistant at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. She graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a degree in China Studies and Geography. She has decided to further pursue her studies and will be going to the University of British Columbia for the Master of Community and Regional Planning program in late 2021. Her research interests are urban development, environmental planning, open space and park planning.



Project Participants

Student Helper

王鈺是香港大學文學士及法學士雙學位課程的畢業生,她曾經在2017到2018 參與項目資料整理的工作。

Faith Wong graduated with a bachelor's degree in Arts and Laws (BA&LLB) from the University of Hong Kong. She consolidated and managed data and information of the project.  

Student Helper

曹純凱是香港大學商學院的畢業生,他曾經在2017到2018 參與項目資料整理的工作。

Chunkai Cao graduated with a bachelor's degree in Business from the University of Hong Kong. He consolidated and managed data and information of the project.  

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